I love Smith’s School of English seminars. They are a great chance to see fellow Smith’s franchisees that all do the same job as me and hear about the latest developments in the Smith’s system and English school industry in Japan from Smith’s founder Mark Smith. Important things are announced or discussed at seminars that are important for our English conversation schools (英会話スクール) and also our students, so it is important to be present at these seminars and not miss out.
The last Smith’s seminar was held on February 21, 2010 in Osaka, a day off from my great job coaching communicative confidence at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話 塚口校). The seminar was great! This time I brought my Sony camera along, which also takes movies. I took photos and videos and later put together a video on the seminar at home. I dowloaded it onto YouTube where everybody can watch it in high definition -1080p resolution. However you need to know how to set it to 1080p resolution, otherwise the video will be out of focus. Before you click the link to this video, please note the following:
After you click the link to the video, the video will start playing automatically, but not in high definition. Please pay no attention to the video and look at the bottom right of the player, right next to the volume button. You should see “360p” there and a text toggle “watch in HD” . Bring the curser over “360p”. Choices will appear. Choose “1080p”. That will change the video to high definition – 1080p resolution. That’s it! All you have to do then is sit back and enjoy the show.
To see the video, please click on the following link and follow the above instructions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWRwBwQz82Q Enjoy! (^.^)
I’d like to thank Mark Smith for holding another great seminar. I’d also like to thank Edward from Smith’s School of English Ohtsu(スミス英会話 大津) , who helped me with the photo taking. Last but not least, I’d like to thank my lovely wife Akemi, who helped me with the video things. Great job everybody! Thank you all so much!
I look forward to the next Smith’s School of English seminar! (^.^)
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
月謝制英会話のスミス英会話 塚口校
http://www.smithweb.co.jp/school/tsukaguchi.shtml 尼崎市の英会話スクール
Gday Derek,
Thanks for shooting the seminar video it was good to be able to put some faces to names/ SSE locations.
You certainly put a lot of effort into growing your business and your reaping the rewards.
By the way it’s kind of you to often attend the Kanto seminar’s – thanks for that.
Smith’s School of English Koenji