I love Smith’s School of English seminars. They are a great chance to see fellow Smith’s franchisees that all do the same job as me and hear about the latest developments in the Smith’s system and English school industry in Japan from Smith’s founder Mark Smith. Important things are announced or discussed at seminars that are important […]
Smith’s School of English Seminar in Osaka
I have a great job teaching English in Japan at my English conversation school(英会話スクール), Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi(スミス英会話塚口校) , located in Tsukaguchi(塚口), Amagasaki City(尼崎市), Hyogo Prefecture(兵庫県), Japan. Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi is just one of the many Smith’s School of English franchise schools in Japan. These schools have teachers that in most cases both […]