Due to an ongoing pile-up of scandals and problems in the sumo world, sumo coverage has been limited on Japanese TV recently. Fortunately, Japan’s national sport and my personal favorite sport to watch is available via YouTube. What most people in Japan probably don’t know is that NHK broadcasts in other countries as NHK World, […]
more prepositions for your entertainment
Here’s another preposition challenge for all you eager beavers out there. Think you’ll find this one challenging. Good luck. of /on / for / over / in / with / to / beyond / at / X/ Sometimes _____talent comes _____ the most unlikely of places, and _____ the most unlikely of people. I mean […]
Google has become synonymous with search. Nowadays we “google” it. Surprisingly though the #3 search engine is actually youtube. You can watch chefs cook their specialty dishes, everything from green curry to foie gras. I admit that these days I find myself more and more drawn to it in order to get answers to my computer problems. […]