This last Saturday we had a Student/Teacher(学生/先生), outing at my Smith’s Azamino English Conversation School (スミス英会話 あざみ野校) to You Dining (ダイニングバーYou遊) located very close to Azamino Station (あざみ野駅).I have been there with my students several times and it’s quite a nice place to relax and have a drink. The atmosphere is very casual and the bar has an American style theme so I feel right at home. They serve Kirin beer on tap, which is very important for one of my students, and they have several American and Japanese dishes to chose from. For me it is also great to see my students relax and practice all the English conversation (英会話) they know. Even the lower level students are able to get a lot of benefit from this. Along with English practice, it’s a very nice for my students to meet people from many different backgrounds from salary men to directors, CEO’s, housewives, etc.. It is a very interesting mix of students and allows for some very fun English conversation (英語). Also for my students who are not from Azamino (あざみ野), this bar is located right next to the station on the Tōkyū Den-en-toshi line (東急田園都市線). So it’s a very convenient place to meet up even if you find yourself commuting from Aobadai (青葉台) like a few of my students.
Owner/Teacher (英語の先生/フランチャイズ店のオーナー経営者)
Smith’s English School (スミス英会話 あざみ野)
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