This last Saturday we had a Student/Teacher(学生/先生), outing at my Smith’s Azamino English Conversation School (スミス英会話 あざみ野校) to You Dining (ダイニングバーYou遊) located very close to Azamino Station (あざみ野駅).I have been there with my students several times and it’s quite a nice place to relax and have a drink. The atmosphere is very casual and the bar […]
My Favorite Japanese Fast Food Chain CoCo’s (CoCo壱番屋) – Fujigaoka (藤が丘) & Ichigao (市が尾).
My favorite Japanese fast food Restaurant – Cocos. Cocos has to locations very close to Azamino (あざみ野) just a short trip down the Tōkyū, Den-en-toshi line (東急田園都市線) towards Chūō-Rinkan (中央林間) at both Fujigaoka (藤が丘) and Ichigao (市が尾) Station (駅).
A quick end to Ohanami (お花見) in Azamino(あざみ野 ).
Heavy rain and strong winds put a quick end to Ohanami (お花見) this year. Hopefully my Azamino English students (英会話) were able to get out to the Caritas Jr Collegeカリタス女子短期大学 area for one last viewing.