When most westerners think of fast food chains they immediately think about McDonalds or Taco Bell (although the only Taco Bell I know of in Tokyo is on a military base). When I ask my Azamino (あざみ野) English students at my school (スミス 英会話), they usually tell me places like Yoshinoya (吉野家メニュー) or Matsuya(松屋). However, for me the one place that I think about and must take all my friends/family to is CoCo’s Ichiban Curry (カレーハウスCoCo壱番屋). CoCo’s is a fast food chain that serves very delicious Japanese style curry. There you can choose from a variety of different curries (beef, pork, vegatable, etc…), how much rice you want, and also pick how spicy you want it (level 1-10). I like pretty hot and spicy food, but level 5 is the hottest I order, but my favorite is level 3. Still very hot but you can still taste a lot of the flavor. I imagine level 10 is like eating liquid fire. This restaurant also gained a lot of popularity with the Americans living on the military bases here in Japan. For example, CoCo’s build a new restaurant right next to Yokota Air Base and they even accept dollars for payment. Not very common here in Japan, especially when you get change back in dollars as well. Unfortunately for me there’s not a CoCo’s located at my home station in Azamino (あざみ野駅), but just a few stops towards Chūō-Rinkan (中央林間) on the Tōkyū Den-en-toshi line (東急田園都市線), there is one located at both Ichigao Station (市が尾駅) and Fujigaoka Station (藤が丘駅). So whenever I get that craving for a Japanese style curry I can just take a short trip to Fujigaoka (藤が丘) and get some really good curry. Definitely a great dinner after a long day of teaching English conversation (英会話).
Smith’s English Conversation School, スミス英会話
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