Hi! This is Patrick from SSE Koenji. So, you want to be an English teacher? Well, for all practical purposes, let’s just say, so you want to be a language teacher. Yes, someone who wants to coach and teach others in learning another language. Sounds like a worthy goal, don’t you think? All of us […]
Out with my English students (英語の 学生)last Saturday to You Dining (ダイニングバーYou遊)
This last Saturday we had a Student/Teacher(学生/先生), outing at my Smith’s Azamino English Conversation School (スミス英会話 あざみ野校) to You Dining (ダイニングバーYou遊) located very close to Azamino Station (あざみ野駅).I have been there with my students several times and it’s quite a nice place to relax and have a drink. The atmosphere is very casual and the bar […]
simple formula
People so often get caught up trying to do too much and find themselves overwhelmed. Over the years of teaching at Smith’s 英会話 Hirakata students keep asking me the same question. In a previous article I wrote about how perseverance is the key to achieving success in anything but this time I thought I’d be […]