On Sunday, July 27th, 2008 Smith’s Tsukaguchi, Okamoto, Ohtsu, Fuse and Horie Schools held a joint barbecue event together at Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park in Osaka, Japan. It was our second event together. We enjoyed some nice food and played games in English. We had a great time!
We should do more events together! It really is fun!
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
<スミス英会話・合同バーベキュー大会> 2008年7月29日(火)
2008年7月27日の日曜日、スミス英会話では合同バーベキュー大会を大阪の鶴見緑地で開催しました。 これは塚口校・岡本校・大津校・布施校・堀江校の5つの学校の2度目の合同イベントとなりました。 私たち5校はみんなで美味しいバーベキューを、お腹いっぱい食べ、そして英語でゲームも楽しみました。 本当に参加者全員、楽しく過ごすことができました。
私はまたスミス英会話の各校と一緒に、いろんなイベントが出来るのを、今から楽しみにしています。 本当に楽しいですよ!
Hi Derek.
It looks like a good turn out, well done! Please let us know here at Smith’s Sakai Higashi when you are planning another event. It would be great to get involved.
It was great to see all your smiling students again. 2 in a row your school had the highest number of participants. Happy, keen students are usually the result of a great coach and a nice welcoming school, as i imagine yours must be. Great to see Mr. Video Camera again. I look forward to seeing the results of his editing skills (and english titles) in his 2008 Smith’s School of English BBQ DVD, and hopefully seeing the shorter version on the Soapbox. Great students, great school, great event.
Thanks again,
Edward, FC Ohtsu