英会話 Eikaiwa, to me will always be fun. Yes, it is true, it is a study but first of all I enjoy teaching Eikaiwa. I remember a long time ago reading a statement that said “Find a job you love and never work another day in your life” For me that love is Eikaiwa and […]
This week in Tokyo we had the first snowfall for the winter! It was fun hearing all of my students talking about their earliest memories of snow. Teaching them the English words for different emotions and feelings was very interesting. How often does one get the opportunity to teach words like “wonder”, “magical” and “amazement”? […]
A nice surprise on the bus ちょっと嬉しかったこと -バスの中で-
I live in Tsukaguchi, Amagasaki City, not far from my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School. Today as always on Wednesday mornings, I took an Amagasaki City bus to go to a Japanese lesson. The bus that I took (numbered “13”) runs between Hankyu Tsukaguchi Station (located near my school) and Hanshin Amagasaki Station. I caught the […]