スミス英会話大津 日本語のサイト 先生のブログ チハルの部屋 英会話無料レッスン ここです My interpretation of Smith’s School of English Instructor Training 101: becoming a teacher takes years, but to coach students to confidence takes care, support and a good environment. After years of coaching English both at Smith’s School of English in Ohtsu, Shiga and at a big chain school in Kusatsu I have learned that the key to […]
Using the Whiteboard スミス英会話大津
スミス英会話大津校の日本語のサイトはこちら 英会話無料レッスンはこちら My love for the whiteboard has been growing ever since I started at Smith’s School of English in Ohtsu (スミス英会話大津). The Smith’s curriculum encourages using the whiteboard and through the soapbox and curriculum seminars I have learned a variety of ways of using the whiteboard to maximize student learning potential and also mix things […]
Showing students how to pronounce English properly 正しい発音の仕方 -ある日のレッスン-
Learning proper pronunciation is important for students to speak English well, such as learning the proper pronunciation of “r”, “v”, “er”, “f” and “th”. The Smith’s curriculum helps me do that. I showed my last student how to pronounce “er” and “ir” (which have the same pronunciation) and “th” while doing a Smith’s Routine called “The Restaurant”, […]