Last Sunday I joined one of my students from my English conversation school (英会話スクール月謝 ), Smith’s School of English Nakamozu (スミス英会話 なかもず校), for a fishing trip off the Wakayama coast. I was picked up from outside the Nankai Nakamozu (南海線中百舌鳥駅) and Midosuji Nakamozu stations(地下鉄御堂筋線なかもず駅), and we set out for the 2.5 hr drive south.
The weather was good as our boat set out at 12:00 noon. The sun was shining and there was a light breeze, however rain had been forecast for later in the day. I enjoyed the English conversation (英会話) with my student and his friends as we motored out to our fishing spot.
After a short time we dropped anchor followed soon by dropping lines in the water. After the first 30 minutes or so, I was the only person to have not yet caught a fish. Things were not looking too promising for me. I wondered if there was something I was doing wrong, as the rod and tackle set up used in Japan greatly differs to that of Australian deep sea fishing (that’s my excuse anyway!). However, my efforts were soon rewarded as I felt that familiar tug on my line as a fish took my bait. With the first fish in my cooler box, I could relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoons fishing.
We were targeting Isagi , but many Aji were also caught. I was lucky enough to catch a good plate size Tai and one of the other fishermen caught a large Fugu which was quickly released.
At 5:00pm we reeled in our lines and set off back to shore. At 5:02pm the rain started to fall. Perfect timing! I guess the fishing gods were smiling on us that day.
It is great to be able to take these sorts of trips with my English conversation school students(英会話 月謝) . It not only makes teaching English in Japan, but also makes living in Japan so interesting.
Finally, I would like to mention that the fish pictured may, or may not have been one of the fish I caught last Sunday!
Smiths’s School of English Nakamozu – スミス英会話 なかもず校 (月謝)
Smiths’s School of English Sakai Higashi – スミス英会話 堺東校 (月謝)
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