I’m a lucky man. There are a number of reasons why that might be true. Without doubt, one of them is that I am privileged to partake in my darling wife Yoko’s stupendous hobby. She is an accomplished patissiere who regularly updates and improves existing recipes. Sometimes in her cute, humble way she cites quality […]
Collecting Stuff Japanese Made
Dear Readers! This post concerning collecting stuff japanese made is a reprise of the previous one I wrote on September 3rd. In this case the collecting in question happens to be vinyl records, by coincidence of course. Three years ago living in Japan I was all alone on this topic, but it really seems to be catching on […]
Vintage Japanese Vinyl Collections
Hello readers! It’s no secret that I love living in Japan and that I have a lot of hobbies. It’s impossible to keep track of all my hobbies. But two activities I am very much motivated by are especially rewarding because I live in Japan. They are restoring vintage direct drive record players, top shelf models only, and adding […]