I’m a lucky man. There are a number of reasons why that might be true. Without doubt, one of them is that I am privileged to partake in my darling wife Yoko’s stupendous hobby. She is an accomplished patissiere who regularly updates and improves existing recipes. Sometimes in her cute, humble way she cites quality of ingredients as the main reason for her success. I say there’s more to it, but the quality is definitely a critically important point.
Hobbies While Living in Japan
Yoko’s stupendous hobby is a joy for us at home. The taste of ingredients regularly available in Japan is equal to what is in Europe so it’s easy to maintain her famous consistency. I guess another reason I can consider myself lucky is that I am here. Living and working in Japan is kind of a privelege, really. It isn’t too difficult to generate an income living in Japan and it’s so safe that many neighborhoods still don’t need to lock their doors. There are many, many activities available that used to be considered the domain of the super rich or the super talented, but none of that is true anymore. The society has fully matured and embraced good sense in all aspects of life.
Come and check it out for yourself ! I’ll show you around.
Martin Werner Zander
Smith’s School of English in Kotoen
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