I love COSTCO in Japan! Last Sunday we had an appointment to go to there with a former coworker of my wife, his wife and his four-year-old boy. He and his wife had wanted to check out COSTCO and my wife had said that they could go with us. They picked us up by van. It was about a 10 minute drive away. My wife’s former coworker and his wife decided to become COSTCO members right away, so they filled out a sheet of paper, stood in line, had their pictures taken and were given membership cards. We all had a great time shopping. I and my wife bought full of stuff, including some sweets to give to the Smith’s head office team, whose great work I very much appreciate! My wife’s coworker and his family had a bite to eat at the Food Court. Then they drove me and my wife back home. We invited them in and they accepted. We chatted in Japanese and they checked out our recently bought 40-inch TV! We all had some delicious fruit tea, brewed in a nice clear glass kettle I and my wife had brought back to Japan from Canada. I and the boy ate Timtams, delicious cookies from Australia! Before leaving, the boy’s parents mentioned going to COSTCO with us again. You bet we will!
Derek Maeckelburg
We Canadians really love our Costco! Nice adventures with students really allow them to use their English for an extended period of time and they really appreciate it. Smith’s provides everyone with so many great opportunities (including both students and coaches)
Edward, SSE Ohtsu