My favourite breakfast on Sunday, the day off for both my wife and I, is croissants and other pastries from a local bakery here in Tsukaguchi that I’ve written about before on the Soapbox. However, that shop is sometimes closed on Sundays. Last Sunday and today (another Sunday), it was closed so I and my […]
Showing students how to pronounce English properly 正しい発音の仕方 -ある日のレッスン-
Learning proper pronunciation is important for students to speak English well, such as learning the proper pronunciation of “r”, “v”, “er”, “f” and “th”. The Smith’s curriculum helps me do that. I showed my last student how to pronounce “er” and “ir” (which have the same pronunciation) and “th” while doing a Smith’s Routine called “The Restaurant”, […]
Business is good at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School. I am happy. 学校経営が順調なスミス英会話塚口校から一言
There may be a global financial crisis going on, but at my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School, business is good! In January I had one of my highest turnovers ever. I am very happy. This morning I got out and did some flyers, which I hadn’t done for a while. It is a […]