Last week I handed out some flyers at Hankyu Tsukaguchi station near my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. It was a cool morning, perfect for doing flyers. I wore my Smith’s jacket and Smith’s cap. While the Smith’s Japanese web site is great way of getting people to come in for trial lessons at my school, I think it is important to be out there and seen handing out flyers every week. It reminds all those people who take the train of English and taking English lessons. At the same time, it let’s people know that I’m still there. While handing out flyers, I saw some of my students on their way to work, which is always a lot of fun.
Looking at my schedule for the coming week, I see that I have a trial lesson on it. Great!
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School
<外でビラ配り> 2008年11月2日(日)
先週、私は兵庫県尼崎市にある私の学校・スミス英会話塚口校のすぐ近くの阪急塚口駅でビラ配りをしました。 そのとき私はスミス英会話のロゴの入ったジャケットを着てロゴ入りの帽子もかぶっていました。 スミス英会話にはホームページがあり、私の学校のページを見て体験レッスンに来てくれる生徒さんはたくさんいらっしゃいますが、私はやっぱり、私が毎週外へ出て私の学校のビラを配るのが一番大切だと思っています。 みなさん一人一人に直接ビラをお渡しすることは「英語の勉強をしてみようかな」とか「英会話を習ってみようかな」といった学習意欲をみなさんに持ってもらえることにつながると思います。 そしてホームページではなかなか伝わらない“本当の私”を知ってもらう良いチャンスにもなると�!
�っています。 それにビラ配りのあいだ、通勤途中の私の生徒さんの何人かに出会えるのは本当に嬉しい瞬間です!
Everyday when I flyer I see my students, and they always say ‘good morning’ or stop and chat for a few minutes, and this always energises me as well. After a student leaves, I’m always in a great mood, my smile grows, and for the next few minutes I hand out a lot more flyers. Positive energy is contagious- pass it on!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Way to go Derek! I love seeingour students in the morning, too. They are always happy to see us and they give us a reason to get out there and do flyers. I think that they help us to establish that positive energy! And, Yuichi and I aren’t as good at giving out the flyers as others, but we believe that just being there and giving out a few helps to strengthen our presence in Kamishinjo!
Carol – SSE Kamishinjo