I’ve just finished enjoying the Smith’s Obon holiday. While I really enjoy working at my school, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi, it was great to take a break. I watched a bunch of movies at home on Cable TV, went out shopping with family, went to my sports center, TIPNESS to do weight training and swim, and went to the movies with a student and my wife to see the new Batman movie, Dark Knight (which was very good). Today I feel refreshed and am looking forward to getting back to work!
Oh and perhaps you would like to read a little more about me
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
<パワー全開!> 2008年8月18日(月)
スミス英会話の「お盆休み」を終え、さぁ今日からまた仕事です。 スミス英会話塚口校でいつも一生懸命がんばっている私にとって、この休暇は本当に良い骨休めになりました。 家の大型テレビで映画をいっぱい観ましたし、家族と買い物に出掛けたり、また私がいつも行っているスポーツセンター“ティップネス”でウエイトトレーニングや水泳をして楽しみました。 それから生徒さんの一人と私の妻の三人でバットマンの新しいシリーズ“ダークナイト”を観に映画館へも行きました。 とても面白かったですよ。 休暇を思い切り楽しんだ私は、本当にリフレッシュでき、今日はやる気満々です!
Holidays are finished and feeling refreshed. Well put, may I echo your sentiments.
Would you care to review the new Batman movie for us?
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Back to work you guys! Now is the time to go out there and promote your schools. As September comes it is amazing how people start wanting to start something new….like English Conversation classes! Yeah, that’s why we are here.
Great post at hubpages! Keep us up-to-date on the renovations.
Al, SSE Okamoto