After coming back home at night, I always enjoy getting the latest news in English on CNN and BBC while having a cup of chai tea and eating a muffin, cake or something else sweet. It’s relaxing and a great way to end the day. I watch CNN News and/or BBC News. My Japanese wife and I got cable TV a few months back and it’s great.
With the world economic crisis going on, the news is grim, with massive layoffs all over the place. The Japanese economy is especially being hit hard. At a time like this, I am so, so happy to own my own Smith’s School of English franchise and to be my own boss. Nobody will lay me off. As for business, I believe the demand for English will not go away, even in such tough times. People here still need English more work or play. I also believe that Smith’s School of English, with it’s monthly tuition payment system, will look even more attractive now to people who are reluctant to spend large amounts of money up front, as they would have to at some other English schools in Japan.
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi School
<CNNニュースやBBCニュースを楽しんでいます> 2009年3月16日(月)
仕事を終えて夜遅く帰宅してからの楽しみは、マフィンやケーキなど甘いものを食べながらチャイ(インドのお茶)を片手に、アメリカやイギリスのテレビ放送を英語で楽しむことです。 一日が終わりホッとできる至福の一時です。 私は毎晩CNNニュースCNN NewsやBBCニュースBBC Newsを見ています。 私と妻(日本人)は数ヶ月前、デジタルテレビを買いケーブルテレビの契約をしたのですが、本当に楽しんでいます。
世界的な経済危機のまっただ中、いたるところで大規模な解雇といった暗いニュースであふれていますが、とりわけ日本経済は大きな打撃を受けています。 こんな状況の今、“雇われの身”でなくスミス英会話フランチャイズ校のオーナーである自分を、心の底から“しあわせ”だと思います。 私が“解雇”されることはないのですから。 こんな状況の今でさえ、英語の需要がなくなることないと私は信じています。 私の学校に来てくれている生徒さんは、今まで以上に英語は必要なものであり役立つものだと思っています。 いま日本によくある他の英会話スクールのように大金をに納めるのはイヤだと思っている人たちにとって、月謝制のスミス英会話はこんな不景気の今だからこそ、とても魅力があるのではないかと、私も生徒さんと同じように思っています。
Al Bartle says
I agree with you. Actually, I really like Tim’s poster too. It says something very pertinent to the current situation. 今こそ 英語力 !
As for something funny about the economy, watch the Jon Stewart interview of Stock Trading Analyst, Jim Cramer sometime on Comedy central. It is a three-part interview and quite interesting.
Ken says
The world economic crisis wouldn’t be so bad if those people in charge acted and spoke positively and optimistically about the future. This situation needs bi-partisanship in all parliaments throughout the world. And the USA must lead the way. There is no better time than now to buy and/or invest – there will be many millionaires born as a result of this downturn. I was astounded to hear Benecke state that the economy will turn around next year or maybe the end of this year I guess if the US stimulus package was being enacted he would be more positive. Why can’t politicians from bothsides understand this I suppose it’s because they are really the fools that most people believe they are.
jim says
I agree with you Ken. I have been investing heavily in certain sectors since this all started. Lots of bargains to be had. I guess I am a bit of a gambler at heart but my motto in stocks remains: don’t invest more than you can afford to lose…Politicians are all about self interest, you know that…
To Derek, glad you have a good connection to world news, I have the same.
To Al: Jon Stewert rocks!