My English conversation school (英会話スクール) Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校) in Tsukaguchi (塚口), Amagasaki City(尼崎市), Hyogo Prefecture (兵庫県) is located very close to TIPNESS(ティップネス) , a private fitness club. I enjoy going there several times a week after work to exercise. I either do weight training or swimming indoors. After swimming I love taking a dip in a jacuzzi near […]
Enjoying movies in English in Japan
I enjoy going to a movie theater in Japan every now and then when a movie that I want to see movie comes out. I either go with my Japanese wife, or with her and one of my students from my English conversation school (英会話), Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校)located in Tsukaguchi (塚口), Amagasaki City […]
Showing students how to pronounce English properly 2
In an earlier posting of mine, “Showing students how to pronounce English properly”, I wrote about how I showed a student of mine how to properly pronounce the sounds “er” (as in “waiter”) and “ir” (as in “birthday”), as well as “th” (as in “the”) using the Smith’s curriculum. You can read about it by clicking […]