Finding nice cloths in Japan is pretty easy to do if you have a big budget and do your shopping at Center Kita (センター北駅), Center Minami(センター南駅), two very nice areas, or go all the way to Shibuya Station (渋谷駅). These areas are very nice and have a lot of stores but they’re not very cheap. However, during this last week I decided to explore my area around Azamino (あざみ野) and I walked from Azamino Station (あざみ野駅) to Eda Station (江田駅). It was a very nice walk and along the way I found a UNIQLO store, which is just a short distance away from Eda Station(江田駅), no more than 5 minutes away. There you can find many nice clothes at very reasonable prices. I have been to UNIQLO once before when it opened in Shinjuku, but traveling all the way to Shinjuku just for a few shirts was not a very good option. However finding a UNIQLO store so close to my house was very nice. I was able to pick up 5 collared shirts for just under 10,000 yen, definitely a great deal. So for those of my English students (英会話) who didn’t know there was a UNIQLO so close by, just take a short trip to Eda Station (江田駅) on the Tōkyū Den-en-toshi line (東急田園都市線) and check it out. It’s also not that far of a walk from Azamino Station (あざみ野駅). So if you have the time and want a little exercise just take the main road straight over to Eda (江田).
Smith’s English Conversation School (スミス英会話あざみ野校)
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