Recently I read in the March 27th issue of the SHUUKAN ST, Student’s weekly newspaper published by the Japan Times, that 57.5% of Japanese companies are expecting new employees to have a TOEIC Score of 500 or above. So I decided to emphasize this in my signage. As you can see to the right, I mentioned this in Japanese and included some pictures of our latest event and, with their permission, my student’s picture. So with this sign I can emphasize two things. FIrst, that working on improving your TOEIC score has a real value when it comes time to search for a Job in Japan and second, that Smith’s school is made up of dedicated teachers and students who really enjoy using English as can be seen by the pictures of our most recent event, the 2009 Smith’s School of English Hanami Party at Osaka Jo Park on April 5th.
For those Smith’s students and other visitors who read this page and want to read something about it in Japanese, check this out. 何故英語を学ぶのでしょうか?
Ken says
The grass never grows under your feet Al. It’s a great sign. Best wishes for a great Golden Week holiday.
Al Bartle says
Thanks. I updated the pictures of the sign. I went out and spent some money to blow them up to A2 size and laminate them. The end result looks amazing and nothing beats a human face on the sign. My students were happy to for me to use their pictures.
It made me feel great. The HANAMI picture also shows that we are more than just a few people.