This morning while distributing flyers to promote my English school in Kobe (スミス英会話岡本校) I talked to one woman on the street near the station who spoke English quite well. She said in English that I was ‘exaggerating’ when I commented that she spoke English well. Again, as has happened many times recently, I realized that […]
日本の大企業は社員にどれくらいのTOEICスコアを期待しているでしょうか。What TOEIC Score do Japanese Companies Expect?
Recently I read in the March 27th issue of the SHUUKAN ST, Student’s weekly newspaper published by the Japan Times, that 57.5% of Japanese companies are expecting new employees to have a TOEIC Score of 500 or above. So I decided to emphasize this in my signage. As you can see to the right, […]
In a previous post I gave some advice for students who read the Smith’s School of English Soapbox. The TOEIC test requires a lot of concentration. In general the more that you prepare yourself by using English for longer periods of time, the easier it becomes to concentrate for the two hours required for the […]