In a previous post I gave some advice for students who read the Smith’s School of English Soapbox. The TOEIC test requires a lot of concentration. In general the more that you prepare yourself by using English for longer periods of time, the easier it becomes to concentrate for the two hours required for the test.
What I have seen so far is that students spend most of their time just using vocabulary books on the train and listening to podcasts and sometimes watching DVDs but many do not do enough reading. With many of my high level students I have found that short articles from Time or Newsweek magazine provide good practice. A one-page article usually has up to 10 or more idioms and an equivalent number of new words for my students to learn. Many of these words and idioms will at some time appear on the TOEIC exam. Also, the vocabulary and sentence structures are representative of those a native speaker writes. So reading these magazines is an excellent way to prepare for the TOEIC exam. I will give you a link below for a video of an abbreviated article that I made for my students. Please try out this video for your TOEIC test practice.
TOEIC Practice Part 1 (Reading and Listening)
Good Luck!
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