Last weekend, I went to Kobe to watch my wife’s rugby match. That’s right, rugby. Many of my students at Smith’s School in Fukushima (スミス英会話福島) are shocked when they learn that my wife plays rugby. Many people think rugby is only for men, but women play it, too. Women’s ruby is becoming more popular each […]
What is sports day? スミス英会話大津
スミス英会話大津の日本語のサイトはここです。 千晴の部屋はここです。英会話無料レッスンはここです。 Sports Day, more formally known as “Health and Sports Day”, was started in 1966 to promote health and community spirit. It was started only 2 years after the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. In Japan, the summer season is very wet, first with the rainy season in June and July, then a very humid and […]