Hi! It’s Derek from Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi. People considering studying English at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi may wonder what English lessons there are like. So let me describe what they can expect if they join my Tsukaguchi English school in Amagasaki. Let’s get started!
Student-Driven Lessons with High Student Talking Time
In student-driven English lessons at my Tsukaguchi English school, I strive to let my English students lead. In group lessons, I achieve this by having them ask each other questions and answering them while I listen patiently and speak as little as possible. And in one-to-one English lessons, I often have the English student tell me about something. It could be based on a topic of their own choice or a topic I suggest. Again, I listen a lot and speak as little as possible. This method of teaching English maximizes student talking time. As a result, students gain confidence which leads to them to being able to more easily communicate their thoughts verbally in English. This is very important on their road to acquiring English fluency.
English Lessons Based on Our Lives
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi lessons are often based on the lives of my English students and mine. This allows my English students and me to get to know each other well and feel closer. It makes English lessons at my Tsukaguchi English school extra special.
Cultural Exchange
I enjoy sharing my Canadian culture with my English students and learning about Japanese culture from them. This cultural exchange results in us being able to learn something new. This makes English lessons at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi fun for everyone!
Personal Training?
I like doing resistance exercises and sometimes share this with my English students. This occasionally leads to me to briefly showing them how to do some exercises in English class! Really! You can read about that by clicking here! (^.^)
Join Us!
Does this all sound good to you English learners out there? Yes? Then I invite you to join us at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi! Let’s have a great time together! (^.^)
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi

Thanks Derek. I like your article, it is short and has a great message for any potential student.
My pleasure Michael. Thank you. I‘m glad you liked it.