Hi everybody! Sharing my Canadian culture is something that I enjoy doing with the students of my English conversation school in Tsukaguchi, Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口) and also my English conversation school in Kawanishi, Smith’s School of English Kawanishi (スミス英会話川西). Halloween is part of my Canadian culture. After speaking to some of my English conversation students, I realized that they generally didn’t know what Halloween was all about. Wanting to teach them about Halloween and have fun with them and my family, I decided to have a Halloween party in Tsukaguchi on Sunday, October 27th. We had a great time!
The Halloween party was held at at Jack o’ Frost, a restaurant that sells American-style food in Tsukaguchi. Twelve people attended the party. Almost all attendees wore something for Halloween. I was Batman! (^.^) We enjoyed delicious food and drinks, I taught attendees about Halloween and we did apple bobbing, a Halloween game in which apples are placed into a large container containing water where they float. The goal is to get one of the apples with your mouth by biting into it. You can’t use your hands. It is quite funny to watch and it’s fun. I got all adults at the party to try, even the staff of the restaurant including the owner! All suceeded in getting an apple! Great!! Well done to all! Afterwards we enjoyed the apples. They were sweet and delicious. Before people left to go back home, I had them say “trick or treat” and had my daughter hand each person a little bag of candy which her and I had prepared together for them. Thank you to all who attended. (^.^)
Check out my video on the event! http://youtu.be/BET6fPg37UM
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