With the change of season, there has been quite a lot written recently about the comfort of various items of Smith’s School of English promotional clothing. What I want to stress is just how important it is to wear these items, and not just when handing out flyers.
Last Friday I went into my favourite bakery and coffee shop, Coo’s Conservo クーズコンセルボ, which is below Kawanishi-Noseguchi Hankyu station 阪急 川西能勢口 駅 opposite my school, Smith’s School of English, Kawanishi. One of the young women who work there handed me a note, left by a customer who had seen me wearing my SSE jacket on a previous occasion, and requesting that information be sent to him with a view to becoming a student.
So when we wear these items of clothing we are walking advertisements for SSE; I’m sure I’m not the first one to raise interest in one of the schools by being seen wearing one.
Hi John,
Yes, another major member of TEAM Smith is certainly the Smith’s School of English promotional gear.
I have had similar experiences as you described as well as the type I wrote about yesterday as a comment to Martin’s posting.
I guess there is no real secret to promotion. In a nutshell its simply to be available,
to be friendly and always to be seen smiling and wearing your Smith’s School of English promotional gear.
And never forget that you make your own luck
The products page is ever growing and at your fingertips. Truly a great resource that we are fortunate to have. I also wear my Smith’s gear proudly and have had uncountable inquiries because of it.
I have often been made fun of for wearing layers of Smith’s gear: t-shirt, sweatshirt, jacket and hat. But I don’t mind… wearing my life proudly makes me smile, and smiles make everyone happier.