October 1st was a mini new years for me. I set several “resolutions” for myself; I felt I had been lazy of late and that I needed to re-energize myself. The best way to do so is to set some Short Term Achievable Goals. So last weekend I set the following S.T.A.G.’s:
1. Wake up at 7:00 am every working day for 1 week.
2. Spend 2 hours every working day this week promoting my business.
3. Order 1 pack of business card size flyers for advertising before the end of this week.
4. Study Japanese for 1 hour every day this week.
5. Write 1 post on the soapbox every working day this week.
The key to re-energising yourself is to set ACHIEVABLE goals so that (a) when you start the week you are confident in your ability to achieve these goals, and (b) at the end of the week you can look back and quantify your achievements for the week. I set these S.T.A.G.’s on Sunday. Now it is Saturday night, and looking back I can feel achievement at what I accomplished this week and REALLY enjoy my weekend!
This week’s S.T.A.G. results:
1. I woke up BEFORE 7:00 am every day this week, therefore it was easy to:
2. I spent 2 hours 6 times this week promoting my business! Three 2 hour sessions at the station handing out flyers and three 2 hour sessions dropping flyers in mailboxes. I actually put out over 2000 flyers this week!
3. The last order of business before leaving the office Saturday night was a fax order for 1000 business card size postcards.
4. I studied Japanese for at least 1 hour every day this week, on Friday I actually studied for over 2 hours! At this rate I can feel myself improving daily.
5. This post makes #5 for the week. Check out my other posts this week:
“Students say the Darndest Things”
“How to Choose a Location: More Hints”
“How to Make 1 Room into 2”
“How to Improve your Visibility in the Community”
So if you are feeling low energy, keep it simple, and set some Short Term Achievable Goals. Remember to set a time frame for achieving them, make sure they are measureable, and most importantly make them goals that are 100% within your abilities to achieve. Don’t set goals that are dependant on others. Set goals for YOU, achieve them, and feel good. Try it!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
P.S. To keep the momentum going, I will set the same S.T.A.G.’s for next week, and maybe add a couple more!
Hi Edward,
I just wanted to drop a quick note to say that I really appreciate your motivation and enthusiasm….
I have worked on many teams in my career, and the most successful teams always had someone like you. You are a true team builder and will bring a lot, not only to Otsu, but also to T.E.A.M. Smith!!!
Keep including everyone and inspiring us with your enthusiasm!!
Thanx for the ego buffing. I’ll do my darndest and continue to work hard for the betterment of our school and our Smith’s system as a whole. I recall an appropriate quote, although I forget who said it: “The whole is the sum of the parts”. We are ALL the parts of the Smith’s system, and our efforts make the system develop. We ALL decide where the system will go next in our everyday actions, both big and small.