スミス英会話大津校の日本語のサイトはこちら 英会話無料レッスンはこちら Easy planning, Quick set-up, Great lesson: Reviewing Vocabulary. Reviewing an old vocabulary lesson or a set of previously learned vおcabulary is an easy to plan, quick to set-up and important lesson for language students of all levels. Teachers who keep good files should have no problem doing vocabulary review regularly. Here is […]
How to Personalize your School スミス英会話大津石山膳所
スミス英会話大津の日本語のサイトはここです。 千晴の部屋はここです。英会話無料レッスンはここです。 Not personalized for you, but personalized for your students. Another thing I picked up from my part-time work at SSE Nagaoka was this great idea:
How to Teach Students of Different Levels (Routine 4) スミス英会話大津
スミス英会話大津の日本語のサイトはここです。 千晴の部屋はここです。英会話無料レッスンはここです。 Have you ever struggled with having 2 students of obviously different ability level? Today I had a lesson with a low orange (mid-level beginner) student and a high red (high-level mid-range) student. The lower level student is a restaurant manager who studies for fun and has been studying with us for only 3 […]