Not personalized for you, but personalized for your students. Another thing I picked up from my part-time work at SSE Nagaoka was this great idea: a travel bulletin board for students! At SSE Nagaoka, Tim has a huge corkboard with pictures of students from all over the world, as well as postcards and letter hat students have written him. Tim also wrote an article about his bulletin board. Read it here. This seemed like a great way to allow students to personalize the school and feel like they are a part of the greater school community. It also serves as inspiration to other students who can see the ways in which some people use their English skills for travel, business and general adventure.
So when I returned to SSE Ohtsu, I went out and bought 2 mid-size corkboards (its hard to carry big ones on my mountain bike). The first one we are using for pictures and postcards, the second for announcements and information for students. This has since become a fixture in the school which students look at every week for updates and new pictures. In the past we have put up information about international festivals, English events in the community, SSE Ohtsu event nights, and so on. We also post information about extra course, double powerful course, months with 5 weeks, upcoming holidays, etc. We are currently displaying a poster for our upcoming Halloween Event Night, which will feature pizza, halloween snacks, a costume contest, sing-a-long and more! The first item up on the travel board was a postcard from a student who moved to France for 1 year. She simultaneously studied English at Smith’s Ohtsu and French at another school, but she explains in her card that the English she learned at Smith’s has proven to be far more useful.
So if you want to add a nice personal touch and get your students a little more involved in the English community (e.g. your school), try a travel pictures bulletin board. Remember to keep it fresh so students will always be interested to look at it!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Al Bartle says
Great post! I thoroughly agree with the importance of personalization. It creates a community feeling and is very appealing to the students. Great touch! Keep up the good work!
Al (SSE Okamoto)