When I went to the local flower shop in the shopping alley in Fuse, Higashi Osaka東大阪布施this time, these large and colorful flowers immediately caught my eye. So I inquired about them: they are called Gloriosa (グロリオサ in Japanese). I picked some to put into the reception room of our English Conversation School here, payed and went straight back to decorate the school with them. The bright red color really makes quite an impression! Decoration the school with flower changes the atmosphere and brings some freshness into the room!Later I took some time to learn a little bit more about this astonishing flower. As it originates from Africa and South East Asia, it like a hot and mostly dry climate. There are only about six species of Gloriosaグロリオサ which belong to the family of Lily. Some common English names for it are flame lily or fire lily. What a fitting name, as the petals rise from the flower like tongues of fire from the burning wood! Also, they are actually quite poisonous. In small doses it is being used as a medicine in Africa and in India. In other parts of the world they are just being cultivated and used for decoration.
Sadly, their beauty has been gone quite quickly. They already have bloomed out. The beauty vanished quickly.
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