Visiting the World Cup Rugby Stadium in Higashi Hanazono The Rugby World Cup 2019 will start tonight, and this Sunday September 19th will be the first game at the Higashi Hanazono stadium in Higashi Osaka! From Smith’s School of English Fuse in Higashi Osaka, it is just ten minutes by the Kintetsu train. So I […]
Onions as a decoration?
Have you ever thought of onions as a decoration? Up to this week, I did not even know how the flowers of onions look like. And sure, tulips have an onion, too. This onions are called giant onions – allium giganteum ギガンジュームアリアム. Their onions are actually eatable and sometimes used for medicine, too. At this point […]
Decorating our School in Fuse with Gloriosaグロリオサ
When I went to the local flower shop in the shopping alley in Fuse, Higashi Osaka東大阪布施this time, these large and colorful flowers immediately caught my eye. So I inquired about them: they are called Gloriosa (グロリオサ in Japanese). I picked some to put into the reception room of our English Conversation School here, payed and went […]