日本語のメインサイトはこちら→(スミス英会話 堺東校)(スミス英会話 なかもず校)
I love living in Japan and my job in Japan. The Japanese love a festival. So it makes good sense to kick off each year with a festival dedicated to the success of business. Last week was my third Ebisu Festival, and they never fail to impress.
A million people pass through the sixth century Imamiya-Ebisu Shrine during the three-day January festival to pray to Ebisu (or informally, ‘Ebessan’), the god of business and wealth. The shrine maidens sell lucky bamboo fronds (fukusasa) loaded with lucky charms and coin talismans. Their offer is, ‘Buy a frond and your business will prosper.’ It’s certainly a profitable time for the frond sellers. The highlight of the festival is ‘Toka Ebisu’ (10th Ebisu) when colourful palanquins bear geisha and other celebrities through the lantern-lit streets.
Here’s wishing all the Smith’s franchises prosper as much as Smith’s Sakai-Higashi and Nakamozu are going to in the new year!!!! It’s going to be a big one!!!!
Tim Musgrave
Smith’s School of English Sakai Higashi and Nakamozu
I assume you also bought a bamboo frond to bring us all good luck with business this year? I love your pictures- you truly captured the intensity and energy of the Japanese festival. Well taken!
Edward, SSE Ohtsu