This year Earth hour in Japan is Saturday, March 28th from 8:30- 9:30 pm. This is Earth Hour’s third year. It started in 2007 in Sydney. In 2008, it went global. Rome’s Colosseum, Sydney’s Opera House and Time Square’s Coca Cola billboard, along with 50 million people around the globe, turned off their lights for one hour to help support the fight against Global Warming. For more information about WWF earth hour, follow this link, http://www.worldwildlife.org/sites/earthhour/index.html
This year WWF hopes that one billion homes and businesses globally will turn off their lights for one hour. Here at Smith’s School of English, Kamishinjo, we challenge all school owners and students to turn off their lights for one hour.
WILL YOU TURN OFF YOUR LIGHTS? Saturday, March 28th at 8:30 pm Let’s be the first in Kansai to participate.
Thanks for spreading this very positive message. We will copy your post, print it and give it to our students. Hopefully a large part of Ohtsu City will also be dark on March 28th at 8:30pm.
Edward, SSE Ohtsu
Thanks Carol for providing us with this information I will copy your post and email it to past and current students whose email address I have.
There are so many ways in which the environment can be put on a road to recovery by simply doing a few simple things. I often discuss the environment with my students and of ocurse I set an example by turning out lights in rooms that are not in use.
Let’s all participate in Earth Hour.
Thanks for your support Edward and Ken. Due to conflicting reports I originally had the wrong date for Japan. I fixed it, but Yuichi pointed out that I didn’t change the day. So, to clarify. It is Saturday, March 28 @ 8:30.