First, congratulations to Sue Six on her first trial.
Today I got two emails from my previous students. One who is studying for six months in Canada and one who is now in Sydney for about the same time. They are both doing well, making friends and getting use to using English everyday for hours a day. The young male university student who went to Canada to study English and business sent some great pictures and showing how much he is enjoying this experience that he chose to do by putting off his graduation next spring by one semester. I think he now feels that it was a great opportunity and will benefit from it a lot more in the long run vs. just graduating and going to work for a Japanese company. He sent a few pictures of his teachers and his friends. It was great to see how he is enjoying this study abroad and to hear that he will come back to study with me next year. I am looking forward to that very much.
The female student who recently quit her bank job to study abroad is also realizing her dream in Sydney. She said that she has been very busy and has made many friends already (in three weeks). That is really great and it makes me feel good to have been a part of this important time during their lives.
The experience of teaching them and the reports on their experiences are some of my most precious treasures. They prove again that the decision to come to Japan and run my own English school was the right choice. No regrets what-so-ever. Just fun and rewards that even money cannot buy!
Al Bartle (Smith’s School of English – Okamoto)
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