Here at Smith’s School of English, Azamino, the students have all been making predictions as to when Deana and Mike’s baby will be born. When someone suggested a “baby pool“ with a very small entry fee, everyone thought that would be a lot of fun.
More than half the students are involved now and whoever guesses the closest to the baby’s birthday and time will be the lucky winner of the pot. We have one student who has guessed the big day will be as early as August 28th and another as late as September 12th.
The great thing about this baby pool is that it opens up new vocabulary and speaking possibilities. The students must be able to tell us clearly when they think the baby will arrive if they wish to play. Those that are guessing early dates tell Deana to get a lot of exercise and those guessing later dates are encouraging her to take it easy and get a lot of rest.
No one knows for sure when the baby will come, but we do know he’s a boy and a big one at that ! He weighed in at 3550 grams on August 19th. I think it’s safe to say that Deana is hoping the delivery date will be sometime soon.
Lan, Smith’s School of English, Azamino
My guess is that Deana is hoping that the earliest August date is correct but I’m plugging for September 19th at 10:30am – 2008 of course!
Best wishes to all three of you.
What a great photo and man does the baby look big!
That game sounds like a lot of fun!
FC Tsukaguchi
Thanks for the kind words, all of you!
Ken: Whoa…you must be hoping I’m trying for a world record on baby’s size at that date!
Jim: Are you married? Can I have two husbands? 😉
Derek: Yeah, huge is the word. I’ve been at the school this week, and everyone is giving me advice on how to have the baby on the date they have chosen! We’re all having fun with it!