I will be traveling back to America for Christmas this year. It brings up a very interesting question for me. What will I eat first? I have been dieting, but I will work out extra hard before I go on my trip, and I will keep up my work out while gone so as to not gain any weight back, or to at least mitigate the amount of weight I may gain. But back to the question at hand, what will I eat firs? I was asked this question by one of the students today, and I have given it a lot of thought. I’m taking into consideration the distance from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and my Aunt’s house, which is about 4 miles, and all of the restaurants in between. I can honestly say I think I will go to Taco Bell first. I know, I know, it’s not good food, and I know it’s not the best food, and honestly it may be one of the worst fast food restaurants around, but I have craved Taco Bell more than almost any other food since I have been living in Japan. I have no idea why, because it’s not even close to my favorite, but I have craved it like crazy. Ok, so now that is settled. I will order some type of burritos combo, but I’m not sure yet. Second stop on my list will be Al Wazir Chicken in Hollywood on Sunset and Gower. My old stomping ground. It’s Mediterranean food, but I think Lebanese food actually. Either way it’s amazing. Now what will I order? I will order…
The Number 1
- Chicken………………………………$7.45
Half a golden roasted chicken. Served with
Hummus, salad, rice, garlic and pita bread.
With a side 2 sides of garlic sauce.
I guess we are what we eat. I know it is my biggest weight related problem. Eat too much and we put on weight, even excercise will not counter the full affects of over eating – what a shame!
Smith’s School of English Koenji