When I wanted to teach “tired of” as a One Point English point, I asked the student if there was anything that she had recently done too much or eaten too often or would like to stay away from for a while. She thought for a while and said “nothing”. That really put the damper on my attempt to bring home the one point so the student could quickly grasp it. I immediately said that I had eaten too much pasta this year and was “tired of” pasta. My student then said she was “tired of” this hot weather. I said “that’s it”; you’ve got it!” Then I realize that I had just spoken two other potential one points that I also needed to teach. English is really full of these simple expressions that we take for granted but are so interesting and important for our students to learn and practice.
I am definitely not “tired of” teaching English in Japan. In fact I am just getting starting. Each day can be fun if you let it be. I really believe this and so far it has been true!
Al Bartle (Smith’s School of English – Okamoto)
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