At Smith’s School of English, we know that a team of like-minded individuals working together can always achieve much more than any one individual can alone. We believe that together, everybody achieves more.
Together Everybody Achieves More = T.E.A.M. We believe in T.E.A.M.!
We are the largest English conversation school franchise system in Japan 100% owned and operated by foreigners and consequently the largest team of like-minded foreigners teaching English conversation (英会話) to Japanese people in Japan today.
All Smith’s School of English teachers teaching English in Japan strive to do as follows:
1. Offer students studying English conversation in Japan high-quality English lessons in a caring environment and help them improve their communicative confidence in English, all with the safety of a monthly tuition system (月謝制).
2. Enjoy a high quality of life here in Japan and be their own boss yet reap the benefits that come from being part of a proven system of over 40 schools, all this while having more job security than probably any other English teaching job available to foreigners in Japan today.
I own the Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校) franchise in Tsukaguchi (塚口), Amagasaki (尼崎市), Hyogo Prefecture (兵庫県) and teach all lessons there. I have benefited a lot from being part of of the Smith’s School of English franchise school system and have achieved much more by being part the system than I would have ever achieved working independently. I love my job in Japan coaching communicative confidence to Japanese who really are such kind people with an amazing culture. I am a proud of what I do and proud of being part of the Smith’s School of English franchise school system, a truly wonderful system that is great both for the teachers and their students, a perfect win-win situation. (^.^)
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
月謝制英会話のスミス英会話塚口校 (尼崎市の英会話スクール)
Check out my English school’s web site videos, photos and school event pages at !
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