I have been reading the posts here and I am so impressed with so many of them. We really have a great team at Smith’s School of English.
Recently John Coleman (See his post on the movie “Invictus“) and I are collaborating on some TOEIC listening practice videos for the Smithweb site. We have put up two so far and plan to keep it up at the rate of one a week. Our goal here is to create a TOEIC style listening lesson which uses a subject which is current and fresh along with TOEIC vocabulary. So far we have taken up the Toyota Recall and Apple’s planned introduction of the iPad. Take a look at these videos on www.smithweb.co.jp in the same area as the weekly one point lessons. We have set up a category for them called 無料TOEIC レッスン練習. The videos are being embedded there but you can also find them on ssejapan’s channel which is the Smith’s School of English Channel. There you can expand them to fill the screen.
We are calling these videos TOEIC+ because although they follow closely the Part 3 style listening format with short conversations, they are harder because instead of displaying the questions and answer choices, users must listen and choose the appropriate answers. I am putting the text up in my room (Alの部屋 ) shortly after posting the video. I will also post the list of correct answers soon.
John, born and raised in South Africa but a long term resident of London and I, born and raised in the midwest of the U.S. but having worked in Hawaii, New Jersey, California and the southeastern U.S. offer listeners two different kinds of English in our conversations: British and American. In the future we will also add Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and perhaps Indian English pronunciations to challenge our listeners.
Please pop over to smithweb sometimes to see what’s new.
Take care and enjoy life!
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