Tis the season to get shots, fa lalalala lalalala.
Not a tequila or a B52 shot, though they might not be a bad idea either.
No, I’m talking about the injection variety of shot that don’t necessarily make us feel warm and giddy as the previously scribed shots.
They do, however, give us a little peace of mind. First, the most common shot this time of year is probably the flu shot. In my experience it’s not a bad idea considering it can save you the time, money and hassle that can sometimes arise when we get sick suddenly. We’re lucky to get support from Head Office, but it can often be difficult, costly, and thus stressful to find cover at this time of the year. Not to mention that it sucks to cough all over your students and likely spread it to them, their families, and co-workers.
Second, if you’re planning on travelling anywhere over the holidays, it’s worthwhile to check out this website: http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/ to see if any shots are recommended for the country you will travel to or visit your local doctor.
Hepatitis A (for those interested in loving the local cuisine) and hepatitis B (for those interested in loving the local people) are quite commonly recommended shots for many countries. If you think you need these shots, make sure you give yourself a month in advance because they are a series of shots over a month period. Also, be prepared to fork over some serious yen. There’s no happy hour for these shots, but your own safety and welfare is money well spent.
If shots aren’t for you, then remember to wash your hands a lot, use alcohol disinfectant, and be careful of what you eat, drink, or touch when you’re travelling.
Be healthy and enjoy the winter holidays.
This shot’s for you!
Mike out…
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