Time Restricted Eating, vegetables and Fruit.
I’m Mark Smith, from Smith’s School Fukushima and I’m here to chat about time-restricted eating, vegetables, fruit and SDGs. I studied a Master’s degree focusing on sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line philosophy at a British University graduating in 2017.
Smith’s Support SDGs
Smith’s School of English is an avid supporter of the 17 SDGs. SDG 3.4 states, “By 2030, reduce by one-third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being”. What can we do to support this goal?
I myself care for my own immune system and promote the same in others by eating as best I can. I also believe that inflammation in all its forms is the root cause of many illnesses and so I eat foods which reduce or fight inflammation.
Here in Japan, I have access to a great deal of organically grown vegetables and fruit. I do eat meat but have chosen to follow a diet heavily consisting of many vegetables and fruit and in particular, leafy green vegetables. Leafy green vegetables contain high quantities of Magnesium, and magnesium supports a strong immune system. Magnesium is also required to produce and use energy in our bodies. To be able to eat the quantities of vegetables I desire and access the maximum benefit I have chosen to blend them together and make a morning smoothie.

My Smoothie
My smoothie includes Kale, Chard, Spinach, Tomato, Strawberries, Apple, Banana, Ginger, Avacado, Mushrooms, Carrots, Grapes, Broccoli, Blueberries, Spouts, Pineapple, Tumeric, Cider Vinegar and Chia seeds.
It seems like a lot however I find that I am able to enjoy drinking this smoothie slowly over a period of about 15 minutes.
Time Restricted Eating
While on the subject of time I would like to also mention that for some time now I have been following a “time-restricted eating” habit. This habit sees me eating only within a 10-hour window of time each day. Then I fast for 14 hours. Fasting has been proven to be of great value in building the immune system.
Now I don’t want you to think I only enjoy vegetables and fruit. My morning smoothie will be followed by a lunch of steak, chicken or fish a few times per week. I enjoy eating out with my friends on occasion and our family meals often include pretty much the full spread of foods available in Japan. The vegetables and fruit and simply the centre of my desire to help my body better produce and use energy, control inflammation and strengthen my immune system. Certainly, I feel I am doing my small part to support SDG 3.4 https://smithweb.co.jp/fukushima/
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