スミス英会話布施校講師が書いた記事。 日本語のメインサイトはこちら
September 21st- 26th 2010
This week at my English School in Higashi Osaka Fuse (英会話 布施) I decided to decorate school here in Ajiro(足代) with these beautiful red carnations (カーネーシォン). Many flowers use Katakana in their Japanese names. Some of the Katakana matches English very well. Theses flowers have an English name that has been taken in Japanese Katakana very directly and this was great to teach my Conversation students, 英会話生徒様. While the Carnations themselves are red (赤い), the tips of the petals are white, giving the flowers a softer appearance.
Thanks to the flowers, the reception room of our School of English here in Fuse (布施) has become friendlier. I put the Carnations at a place where they immediately catch the eyes of the English students upon entering my English Conversation School. Because of this, I especially like the vivid but friendly color. They also have a nice but very decent smell, thus enhancing the English School even more with their subtle fragrance.
The biological name is Dianthus Caryophyllus of the Family Dianthus. It is a very popular flower all over the world, used for example in Canada and the United States for Mother Day in May. It is said that a green carnation is used in Ireland as a symbol for St. Patrick`s Day. But the symbolic meaning changes with color, a light red color stands for admiration. Thus, I use them to express my admiration for the effort our students put into learning English every week.
If you want to learn more about Carnations, have a look at the wikipedia page about the Carnation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnation
Within the English Conversation lesson I had a great chance to apply real adjectives and composite adjectives to these flowers. Some of the adjectives studied were, vivid, fragrance, and softer and the composite adjective “light red”
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