It is late fall and people in the U.S.along with me and my family
here in ‘Shijonawate’ are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, one of the biggest holidays celebrated in The U.S. and Canada.
It is a time when families get together for a big meal and give thanks for what they have. The main dish is usually turkey and many great deserts. A very popular desert and my personal favorite is ‘Pineapple Upside-down cake’. Pineapple rings are placed in the bottom of a cake pan and the other ingredients are poured in on top of them. After the cake is baked, the pan is turned ‘Upside-down’!! Here is a photo of one that my wife, Toyoko made last year. It makes my mouth water looking at it. ‘Yum! Yum! Yum!
I wonder what is on the menu this year?? ‘
いよいよ秋も深まってまいりましたね。アメリカでは、11月の第4 木曜日に
サンクス・ギヴィング・デー といって感謝祭のホリデーがあります。
七面鳥の日(Turkey Day)などとも呼ばれています。家族が集まって、
(豊子)が昨年焼いてくれたケーキの写真です。おいしそうでしょ~♪ 今年のディナーのメニューが楽しみです!
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