Of all the technology that exists today I believe that the speed at which cameras are changing is truly amazing. They have face recognition software, touch panel screens, HD video capture, high quality chips that allow for even more stunning pictures and all other sorts of bells and whistles. Thanks to digital technology never before has it been easier to capture the moments of our lives and storing the photos no longer requires albums on a bookshelf.
Unfortunately complicated menus make it tough for people like my mother to get the most out of their new gadget. Salespeople often go on and on about the latest and greatest releases but in the end when most people decide to buy a camera all they want is to be able to take good pictures with as little trouble as possible. Regardless of the product we are interested in buying it is easy to get distracted by all the advanced features that we forget to ask which product is best for us.
The same can be said for English schools. Fancy classrooms set up with advanced booking systems and language labs are all very impressive but we must never forget to evaluate the two most important things – the teacher and the system itself. The teachers at Smith’s – a dedicated group of individuals who aim to do the best for their students. The Smith’s system is simple – a monthly fee with no hidden fees and no nasty surprises for the students.What more could you want?
At Smith’s 英会話 Hirakata I am lucky enough to work alongside three very diligent, intelligent and funny teachers. We all bring a little something different to the table. Yasuko’s knowledge of grammar and her ability to explain it is bar none. Jerry’s attention to detail and effort to create an English environment for the students. Sharan is the linguist as he speaks 4 dialects of Indian as well as English and Japanese. Me, I’m the global nomad who is a little bit of everything so I guess I bring my internationalism. We do our best to provide a comfortable atmosphere conducive for studying English. Our goal, a simple one – to help students be the best English speakers they can be.
Just like cameras, there are so many language schools to choose from. When you buy a camera, get one that takes great photos with little trouble. When you join a language school, choose one with a system and teachers you can depend on. Don’t get faked out by all the eye candy. After all, it’s your money.
ps. the camera in the photo is the Canon S90 which is Ken Rockwell’s favorite compact camera.
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