The human mind is an amazing tool that thankfully we all possess. Everything that we create is due in no small part to the power of our our mind. The Internet, the airplane, space travel and whatever you can think of was once a figment of someone’s imagination. Others may have laughed but thanks to their vision and determination today we are able to reap the benefits of the inventions around us.
I am often asked by students at Smith’s 英会話 Hirakata what is the key to learning English and if you’ve been reading my posts you will know what advice I have given. One of the best pieces of advice I can give anyone learning anything is to focus on what they want. Focus allows us to amplify the results much like a magnifying glass would do with the sun’s rays. However there is a drawback to focus and that is we can often overlook what is right in front of us.
Today when I was reading yahoo I was reminded just how the power of focus works and I must admit that it proved to me yet again that despite my best intentions the mind is often limited by what it focuses on. I think most of you will enjoy trying this test out so click here to see how observant you really are. Then after trying that test…try part 2…good luck.
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