Usually I pass by florists without much thought. The reason for buying flowers rarely arises, and much to the convenience of all floral aficionados, they can be bought at much lower prices elsewhere. Despite all of this, I have slowly begun to notice a delightfully drowsy florists, embedded on a busy street corner, silently going about her own work. Then it dawned on me that the wider Osaka area is really an urban concrete jungle, and judging from its almost totally gray overhead view (from Google Maps), a little natural colour and beauty wouldn’t hurt.
So why not visit a florists and fill someone’s day with some colour, affection and a little toast to the beauty that our lord has so graciously bestowed upon us.
Teraura Florists, Senriyama (千里山)
p.s. notice the delightful (although slightly incorrect) English tag: ‘What’s a favorite flower’!?
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