Teaching English conversation (英会話) in Japan to wonderful students at Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi (スミス英会話塚口校) is lots of fun. I love helping students work towards achieving a level of English where they can communicate in English with confidence. English is so useful and important in today’s world. Whether it’s for work, travel, communication with foreigners or just a hobby, my students all have the same common goal, which is to improve their English. I am proud to be able to help them achieve this goal.
I believe that a lot of Japanese would like to be able to speak English with foreigners but do not because they don’t have any confidence in their English ability.
I sometimes meet people who speak English to me. Yesterday, while I was doing some flyer promotion for Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi in Tsukaguchi (塚口), Amagasaki (尼崎市), a man walked up to me, took a flyer from me and spoke to me in English. He asked me where my school was and where I was from. Upon hearing that I was from Canada, he mentioned having been there and liking it. I was glad to hear that. I hope to have the opportunity to teach him at my English conversation school (英会話) one day. (^.^)
Today I went to the hair salon where I always go to get my hair cut in Tsukaguchi. A woman who works there always tries using some English words with me and asks me how to say some things in English. When directing me to a chair today, she said “Please.” I taught her “Please have a seat.” Soon after that she asked me (in Japanese) how to say humid in English, so I taught her how to. I applaud her on her effort to speak and learn some English! That’s great! (^.^)
It’s wonderful to see people like the man that I met while doing flyers and the woman at my hair salon making an effort to use English with a foreigner like me in Japan. I’d like to see much more of this happening. It’s just a matter of Japanese people having more communicative confidence in English. Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi and other Smith’s School of English schools are here in Japan to help them acquire that.
Smith’s School of English Tsukaguchi
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