“C V C pattern? ” you might be saying to yourself. “What’s that?”
I use it to stand for Consonant – Vowel – Consonant, like the word ‘pig’ or ‘run’.
First you have to teach them the V – C pattern. Once they have this, get or make a set of flashcards with a variety of CVC patterns on them, not neccessarily related to real words. Why is this is important?
It is important because the objective is to teach them to read the pattern, not memorize the word, which a lot of kids tend to do. Once they know how to read the pattern, they can use it on new and novel words they have never seen before and attack new passages with confidence.
Make sure you have two copies of each card. It is not too difficult at this stage (provided that kids already know the sounds all the letters make, and can read V-C with some level of profitiency), to just help them sound out the letters on the cards.
Next you may put one set of cards on the floor and keep the other set to yourself. You can then read the words (from your set), and have them get the matching card.. give them a token each time (say, a bingo chip). They can do races, but I suggest you do not get them to try to find the same card; each student should find their own card or they will have bonked heads.
You can vary this by giving them toy cars, and have them make the cars get the cards. This helps the shy ones or the ones who will not perform for mere bingo chips.
Another game is to make a map with a grid on it. Have one master copy and a copy for each child. the childrens copies should be laminated so you can write with whiteboard markers on them and reuse later. About 16 squares should do it. On the master copy, but about 8 or ten ‘treasures’ for them to win, face down (printed on paper). Some of the treaures may be aliens or sharks or monsters.
Pick on of you cards at a time and read it to the kids who listen and write the words on each square of the map in succession (so all have the word ‘pon’ for instance on the same square, square one). Once their maps are filled in, put the cards in a box. The students take turns drawing the cards and reading them to the others. The listeners have to find what box it is on , and identify this to the reader who then rewards the first to find the word with the treasure that was on the corresponding square on the master sheet. This game has listening, reading and writing as well as talking. the drawback is that it takes quite a qhile to play especially when they are weak at it. Count on 30 minutes for this game. The pro is that once they play it once, they love it and want to play again and again.
Another game is to separate the pairs of cards, turn them upside down and play concentration, where they have to turn over two cards on their turn. If the cards match they keep them and take another turn. They must watch other players turns to remember where matching cards may be found. Then they turn over the card MAKE them say it out loud before they turn over another or they will not practice reading (they will just practice matching). they liek this game and the length can be adjusted according to how many pairs youchoose to put down.
Have fun playing games with your children!
Thanx again for these great kids posts. I recently signed up my first kids students at SSE Ohtsu, so I’ll be re-reading all your posts. Keep ’em coming.
Edward, SSE Ohtsu