スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 Recently, due to an ever expanding waist line, I have decided to get back into an old hobby of mine – running. Even as healthy as Japanese food is, it is not impossible to gain weight whilst living in Japan. After talking to some of my English conversation students (英会話 月謝) at my schools […]
Sakai Higashi Restaurants
スミス英会話なかもず校・堺東校の講師が書いた記事。日本語はこちらへ。 Last week Smith”s School of English Sakai Higashi スミス英会話 堺東校 (月謝) and Smith”s School of English Nakamozu スミス英会話 なかもず校 (月謝) had an end of month dinner for students and friends. We regularly have dinners or lunches with English conversation schools’ students which is a great way for students to practice their English conversation in a social environment. Sakai Higashi restaurants […]
Sakai Higashi and Nakamozu Summer BBQ スミス英会話堺東・なかもず校 夏のBBQ
Last Sunday was our annual BBQ event. We were joined in Oizumi Ryokuchi – Sakai City by students and their families from Smith’s Sakai Higashi(月謝制のスミス英会話 堺東校) and Smith’s Nakamozu(月謝制のスミス英会話 なかもず校). Despite it being a very hot summers day, we had a good turn out. The youngsters having fun with water pistols all day helped take the edge off […]